
Faithful Friends believes every animal should be spayed or neutered — not only for their own health but to help curb the animal overpopulation crisis in New York City. Every year tens of thousands of unwanted animals flood our city shelters. Thousands never make it out alive; they are killed due to the lack of available homes. Many are kittens and puppies who were born simply because somebody did not spay or neuter their pet.

Did you know that in-tact cats and dogs are more likely to develop breast cancer or testicular cancer? Females are also at risk of a severe, potentially fatal, uterine infection called pyometra. Additionally, spaying and neutering helps curb or prevent unwanted behaviors such as aggression, spraying, excessive vocalization and escaping.


Standard Spay/Neuter

Spaying involves removing the ovaries and uterus in female animals, thus preventing pregnancy. Neutering removes the testicles of male animals, eliminating their ability to impregnate females. Both procedures are done under general anesthesia. Faithful Friends veterinarians are experienced in the spay/neuter procedure on most small animals, including dogs and cats.

Pediatric Spay/Neuter

Puppies and kittens are safely spayed and neutered at an early age in order for rescuers to ensure the procedure is complete prior to placing them in a new home.

Feral Cat Spay/Neuter

Trap-neuter-return is the practice of spaying and neutering feral (unsocialized) cats who are not candidates for adoption. Cats are brought to us in humane traps for spay/neuter, eartipping and rabies vaccination, then returned to their colony after recovery. Eartipping, done while under anesthesia, removes 3/8″ from the tip of their left ear making it easy to visually identify cats who have been spayed and neutered. To learn more about TNR or get certified visit the Neighborhood Cats or NYC Feral Cat Initiativewebsite.
